Monday, February 7, 2011

Birthday card.....

Wow!!!! I never realized its been such a long time since my last post. Time seems to fly, Anyhow, I should be regular now....I have so many cards to share but today I want to share the one I made for Hero Arts 90 minute challenge and this time it was to make a folded card with more than 2 folds...if you think its not difficult but to think n make n photo n post in 90 minutes...was a task for me but I am happy with the outcome.

Stamps: Hero Arts and Annabelle Ink: Versafine, Memento Black and copics for coloring

This is how it look when open.  Hope you like my creation.


Dawn T said...

I am so impressed Isha... what an amazing card.

Unknown said...

Super cute card! :)