Monday, February 21, 2011

Vellum Sentiment....

I made this card for the challenge at Papertrey - Make it Monday. It was ready for last 4 days but I was waiting for some sunshine...anyway weather is getting worse and since time is almost over, I want to share it now.

I used Kraft cardbase and then adhered some Harvest gold paper onto it. For the Vellum panel, I cut a piece, tore it and then stamped Turning leaf stamp with Avocado ink. Then I used clear embossing powder to emboss them. It gives lovely clear shine, which I wan unable to capture. For finishing added some button and some twine. TFL.


Dawn T said...

Lovely Isha. Love the leaves on the vellum and how you tore it in the middle.

Karen B. said...

This is beautiful! The colors are extraordinary and complimentary-so beautiful!