Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Inspired by....

This is my 2nd. post for the day. For Cath (sans CHA) with Love Blog Hop check HERE.

I love challenges at Lily Pad blog and this time its special. Its a new challenge: Virginia's view. Well besides Orange and Pink being my favorite colors ''Pink is my childhood days and Orange from the grown up phase'' That's something new you got to learn about me...lol. Thanks Virginia.

For this card I was inspired by Jill's work, she's so creative and turns white paper into stunning work of Art using colors and distress inks...love love her creations.

Here is the inspiration photo:

My take:

 I stamped the beautiful Penny Black flower image with some Antique Linen distress ink and colored over it for the center panel. Some stickels and the twine knots to finish.

Hope you like my creations....see you tomorrow with something special....lol


Virginia L. said...

Isha, this card is super sweet! Your glittery details really shine through! Hope you are getting productive with the PC submission call. I know you'll crank out some beauties! HUGS! Thank you for playing with us at lilypad cards.

Tenia Nelson said...

So so pretty!!

Jeanette M. said...

Isha, your card is gorgeous! I love the colouring and texture of the flowers. The twine and bow are a perfect finishing touch.

Barb said...

Isha, that sparkle is fabulous! Love this pretty interpretation of Virginia's photo! So glad you played with us at Lily Pad Cards!

Dawn T said...

Isha - totally beautiful. This one is stunning. Jill is very inspiring with her wonderful work.

Scrappy Doo said...

this card is gorgeous (I saw your profile on lilypad).

Jill said...

I just adore your card! Thanks so much for your comments and the link, too! Hugs, hugs, and more HUGS!

Emily Leiphart said...

This is gorgeous, Isha! I love the colours, especially the dark orange. You added the perfect amount of glitter, too!

Elizabeth Allan said...

Isha the colors are fabulous. Beautiful design!

Unknown said...

oh my! this is awesome. such a gorgeous design!