Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ooo la la

This is my first post in the year 2012. I enjoyed making this card so much. I made this for the following challenges:

CAS-ual Friday: Brown paper and String
Kinsale Creations: Love this Inspiration photo by Barb.
ICRC 14: Anything goes

My interpretation of the photo. I saw blocks and pink, yellow and blue color with white.

Hope you like my creation. Thanks for dropping by.


Karen B. said...

Great card!Love the same image done up in different colors. Hope you are doing well.

Virginia L. said...

Happy New Year, Isha!! Love your design with this image!! The three colorful panels for the image are perfect! Totally beautiful! So glad that you played with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

Dawn T said...

very chic Isha. Lovely card

Agata said...

So sweet! Love the twine accents! Happy New Year!

Emily Leiphart said...

What a fashionable card, Isha! I absolutely love this. Love the twine on those bags!

Anh said...

This is great! The twine gives it that extra special touch to the card.

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Stunning! I'd love to give it to a good friend along with a gift card to their favorite store :)

Unknown said...

Isha!!! this is fabulous! stunning...what an amazing take on the pic...to use the pic format! love it. i love this stamp and the way you've used it. your creativity is amazing!

Ulina / Apricot Bubbles said...

Fantastic interpretation of the inspirational photo(s)!!

Elizabeth Allan said...

Fun, fashionable panels of color!

Anita said...

Stunning card!

Jessi Fogan said...

I love it! The coloured dresses, shoes, and bag handles simply pop :)