Thursday, April 19, 2012


Smile is one thing, which acts like medicine. Such a wonderful tool to make everyone happy. So, today's card is for all of you my blog friends...give a Big SMILE and see, everyone around you will also smile!

I chose the colors by Kathy at Lily Pad blog...Aren't they happy? I decided to create a Spring scene cos these colors remind me of the bright colored flowers around me at the beginning of spring. Talking about spring...there are so many colorful pinwheels in the shops and thus I began my card but of coarse I don't have any pinwheel stamp, would that stop me...NO. I decided to create my own using some Christmas stamps from Lawn fawn. Love when the stamps can be used creatively. Oh and scene is the theme for the current challenge at Lawnscaping Spring is the theme at Create blog too. I hope I am not late in submitting there.

Here is what I created:
Stamps: Lawn Fawn (Cozy Christmas, Fly Free) Pattern paper: Lawn Fawn bright side, Copics, felt , MFT (Cloud Dies)

Hope you like this Spring creation. Thanks for stopping by.


Elizabeth Allan said...

Isha this is a darling idea using a stocking to create your pinwheel!! The colors are fantastic!

Noor Nahdi said...

Wowzers, lots of amazing projects in this blog!!! Love them all :) TFS

Karen B. said...

Your card makes me smile so! Love this sweet little scene. You've got so many fabulous posts lately, each card is amazing!

Jay Gee said...

So cute Isha and congrats on your Hero Arts win :)

yyam said...

Awww...this is sooooo sweet! Totally made me smile! :)

Dawn T said...

how creative Isha. Lovely card.

TesaB said...

Ohhh, what a fun and happy card!!!

Agata said...

Such a funny idea! Cool card!

Laurel Beard said...

Isha, how creative and clever is this! I would have never thought to use Christmas stockings to create a pinwheel! I love the scene you have created! And love how the hills line up!

alexandra s.m. said...

Your cards are always so creative, original and beautifully put together!
It is ALWAYS a joy to come and visit you Isha!!!

Thank You~

Kailash said...

Wow Isha, what a clever idea for the pinwheels, pure genius, love this scene and the card is put together so beautifully !!!

Joe Shien Shien said...

what a beautiful and cute the scene you've made with the stockings as the pinwheel...thank you for playing with us at Lawnscaping..

Emily Leiphart said...

This is so cute and has that wow factor, Isha! I love how the hills match up even on the popped layer!

melania deasy said...

This is so cute and had genius idea!! Love it Isha, brilliant card! Thank you for playing at Lawnscaping :)

Shelly said...

What a cool card this is!! So colorful and I love what you did with those socks!! :)

Jackie Rockwell said...

Soooo HAPPY and FUN! Love those puffy clouds!!!

Handmade Cards by Archana said...

cute ..cute the way u use your stamps..stocking as pinwheel ..n sometimes hexagone as latern..brilliant.Colours are also so fresh.