Sunday, November 9, 2014

Smile Gift Card Holder Card!

Hello Everyone!! Today, I am at Lawnscaping blog. I created this fall theme creation. For my gift card holder, I used a vellum bag, which I dry embossed. I die cut some of the leaf dies using vellum and glitter paper. I colored some of the leaves. Then I stamped and colored the images and created this cluster. The flap of the envelope is onto the back side, so you can easily open and close it.

Now the idea of using leaves is for a new challenge at StampNation. I really enjoy playing along their challenges. Do check it out if you want tons of inspiration, tutorials and lot more all in one place :)

Stamp: Lawn Fawn (Into the Woods, Joy to the Woods, Chit-Chat), Dies (Joy to the Woods), Paper: Gold Glitter paper, Vellum; Ink: Imagine Crafts/ Tsukineko (Memento Tuxedo black, Lilac Posies Luxe ink) Glasine bag; Spectrum Noir Markers


Celeste Goff said...

So super cute Isha!

Jamie said...

This is so cute and pretty!

Kristie W. said...

This is really cute and a neat idea!

~amy~ said...

Super CUTE!
iSpy a Seattle starbucks card!

Beth H. said...

This is just adorable! I love how you used the bag as the card holder. Genius! Thanks for your inspiration!

Shelly said...

LOVE this, Isha! Totally, cute!

Dawn T said...

Darling card Isha.

Tracey McNeely said...

This is a great gift card holder Isha--so cute!