Friday, November 7, 2014

Super Exciting News!!

Hello hello my friends!!! Eeeek!! I am so happy to share this exciting news. It's one of my Dream Come True :)

I got an email from Holly Anderson over at Paper Crafts& Scrapbooking magazine. I couldn't believe what she had written! Me, a World Card Making Day winner :) I was (and still am) super excited. At first, I wasn't sure it was real, but pinching myself and re-reading the mail numerous times did the trick ;) I also hugged my daughter but apparently I gave her a too big squeeze so she handed me a pillow to squeeze instead. Lesson learnt :)

It was a really hard job to keep this news to myself. Now I'm even more excited! You can read about it HERE.

Paper Crafting, especially Card Making, has really been an AMAZING journey of learning more each day, making friends all over the world and I treasure all the memories I made through this hobby.
I want to thank all of my friends and followers for the support, motivation and love!

As I can't share my chosen card (it's in the "Thank You" category), I'd like to share a card I sent for the "Christmas" category. 

Thank you Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking team for making my day!! HERE is a link to their post and a photo of my winner buddies for the category Jill and Virginia!

Thank You World Card Making Day Card Contest Winners: Thank You

Have a nice day!
Hugs, Isha


Virginia L. said...

Woohoo! So thrilled to be joining you on this ride! Congrats, Isha! You are an amazing card maker. Congratulations on your well-deserved win! Your Christmas card is beautiful! I love how you did the dies with the sentiment!

GrĂ¡ O'Neill said...

Congratulations! Fabulous news :)

Jill said...

Congrats Isha!! So excited to be a winner with you! I see your crafty goodness often and oooooo and ahh ! :) what fun!

Jill said...
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Jill said...

Technical difficulties--trying this again :) just wanted to add that I like this card posted here too! The Colors are one of my favs for holidays! And I need a bunch of these! Ha! :) take care! Happy weekend!

Shelly said...

WOOHOO!!! Congrats, Isha!!! Love your Christmas card!

~amy~ said...

Yay Isha!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindsey said...

Big congrats, Isha! A well-deserved honour. Love this Christmas card you're sharing, too, with the blue and red.

Lisa Lara said...

Such a beautiful card Isha. I love the colors and design. A huge congrats to you. How exciting!

KT Fit Kitty said...

Fabulous and exciting news indeed! Big congrats to you! Well deserved!

Tenia Nelson said...

Awesome card and HUGE CONGRATS!!! So well deserved!! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo PROUD of you!! :)

Handmade Cards by Archana said...

Many congratulations Isha . You truly deserve it.

Meihsia Liu said...

Congratulations!!! Isha :)

Dawn T said...

so very excited for you Isha. A well deserved accolade for a talented lady. Congratulations my friend.

Valérie said...

Congratulations Isha! That's big news! Hugs, Valérie

Agata said...

NOw look at you girl! Huge congrats! You are were I were 2 years ago!!! So happy for you! I hope you'll receive a nice box of crafty goodness!!! YAY!!!

donna mikasa said...

Big, big hugs and congrats, Isha! Sooo happy for you, and I can't wait to see your card!