Monday, March 9, 2015


Hello friends!
 Today, I have another spring card to share with you. Today was a beautiful day, we had plenty of sun and it was a bit warm. I should have been out in the garden but was not feeling that well and also there was to much to do too. I came to clean my craft table and guess what I ended up with :) A card where I used so many different products from various

I used patterned paper by Avery Elle, Dies by MFT, Winnie&Walter and Simon Says Stamp, Imagine Crafts inks and WOW! embossing powder

Playing along the challenge at:
Simon Says Monday Challenge: "B" I used the Blooms/ Florals :)
Off to clean my craft area now :)



Laura Dovalo said...

Wow, what an amazing card! Definitely one of my favorites for the SSS monday challenge... good luck! Hugs, Laura

Shelly said...

Fabulous, Isha! So bright and happy! And I hope you feel better soon! Hugs

Sue McRae said...

This card feels like the cheery colours!

Dawn T said...

what a great card Isha. Love that you were able to use up bits and pieces and make such an awesome card.

debby4000 said...

Gorgeous, beautiful card and I love the stitching.
Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.

Marlene Bonetti said...

Hi Isha! A wonderful flower card! I love the big zig-zag stitches.
Have another nice sunny day :-)

~amy~ said...

Isha, this POPS! Awesome card and design!

deb duty said...

Beautiful card! Love the bright happy colors!!

Anonymous said...

So lovely! Thanks for sharing your work with us at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog! - Ashli :)

Meihsia Liu said...

Hi, Isha, your card is so beautiful!