Sunday, March 8, 2015

Love Life!

Hello Everyone!!

Today, I have this card over at Lawnscaping blog. It's beginning of Spring at my end of the World :) Most of the bulb plants are peeking through the earth, some almost ready to bloom...Oh! we already have some Crocus blooming :) The Gelateria have started advertising again :) and that inspired me to create this card....Now what's special in this??? Well, I like to think out of the box so check below, how I created my icecream cone ;)

Here is how it looks:

Isn't it fun to use the stamps in a totally different way!

And ... quick reminder ... there's still some time left to join our current challenge:
"Dots and/or stripes". 


Celeste Goff said...

What a sweet tag on your card!

jintyoo7 said...

Very clever use of the stamps, Isha - and such fab papers :-)

Dawn T said...

what a great card Isha. love the tag and the fabulous colours

Smita Satish said...

such a unique idea to use stamps!

Unknown said...

Very clever! it's great to see new uses for stamps that I would never have thought of.