Sunday, March 1, 2015

Smile! And an Exciting News!

Hello Everyone! I am here :) We were having internet issues due to some maintenance. So I was without internet for abut a day!!

Today, I am up at the Imagine Crafts/ Tsukineko blog with my card and a tutorial. You can check the post and the supplies HERE
This is the card I created:

Now onto my Exciting NEWS, which I can finally share with you all :) I am joining StampNation as a designer. Whoohoo!! YAY!!! I am so excited to be joining the talented group of ladies and a warm and cozy online community  of crafters. Thank you so much Catherine for having me aboard.

Submitting this card to the Wednesday challenge at Simon Says Stamp: Anything Goes

Happy Sunday!


~amy~ said...

Gorgeous card Isha and congrats on the news! Exciting!!!!!

Neha said...

Love your card, Isha! These mediums look very tempting...:) on my wishlist for sure. Congrats for the new beginning!

Virginia L. said...

Love your SMILE card! Your happy news makes me smile, too, Isha! Congratulations and I am so happy to work along side with you! Happy hugs!

Marlene Bonetti said...

Congrats dear Isha! And your card is wonderful ♥

Deepti said...

Fabulous card and big congrats on the happy news :)

Lindsey said...

Gorgeous card... and a big congrats!

cheiron said...

Congrats Isha and I love this shiny card, so pretty! Thank you so much for playing along with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge :)

Dawn T said...

this is exciting news Isha. Congratulations. I love this card.

Wilma said...

Beautiful card, Isha. Welcome to StampNation. I will look forward to seeing your inspiring presentaions.

Jen W. said...

Isha, your card is gorgeous and I love the shine on it! And big congrats on your new design gig!