Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Chameleon Pens/ Lawn Fawn Blog Hop

Hello Everyone. This week Chameleon Color tone pens and Lawn Fawn are having a blog hop. Today is the first day. I have a card at the Chameleon Blog HERE.
Here is a peek of my card and you can check the full tutorial on the Chameleon blog.

Don't forget to comment on the Chameleon blog and make sure to stop by at Lawn Fawn Blog all week and leave a comment. Don't miss your chance to win.

Head on over to the Chameleon Pens Blog HERE and comment for a chance to win all week. Make sure you also stop by the Lawn Fawn blog all week and comment. Don't miss your chance to win.

1 comment:

Sue D said...

Very cute harvest scene.