Thursday, October 29, 2015

Make Amazing: Shaker Card

Hello everyone! 
Today, I have a card for you featuring some awesome products "Celebrations by Richard Garay" I used the stamp and die set combo, and used the die to create masks, so I can make my own patterned paper background.

This is how I created my shaker card:

1. Make a cardbase out of whip cream cardstock. 
2. Cut a mat layer. 
3. Die-cut the clouds onto post-it pad to use them as mask. 
4. I sponged Sea Spray ink to create the light cloudy background. 
5. Die-cut a circle using the pierced circles die. 
6. Stamp the Sun using Summer days ink, onto the yellow cardstock from the Assorted Solids paper pack. die-cut and apply Journey glaze over it. Let dry.
7. Stamp sentiment using black and summer days ink by masking it partially.
8. Place the mat layer onto the cardbase to position and adhere the die-cut sponged center circle positive.
9. Apply journey tape to the back of the mat layer and adhere a piece of acetate.
10. Apply 3D foam tape all around the circle and fill in some clear sparkle sequins and blue beads. 
11. Adhere cardbase to this layer.
12. Adhere the Sun image on the card front over the acetate.

This is how it looks in close-up


True Fusion Ink: Summer Days, Black Licorice
Cardstock: Whip Cream; Clear View sheets
Journey Glaze

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Celeste Goff said...

What an amazing shaker card Isha! Love how those bright blue beads look like water!