Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Make Amazing Design Team/ Richard Garay

Hello Everyone! At the beginning of the month, I shared my happy news with you all about me being part of the Make Amazing Design Team for Richard Garay. Some of you might have read it on Instagram and Facebook too. Today, I would like to share a bit more about it :)

I am so honored and excited to be working with so many talented crafters! And now I am sure you all want to know more about Richard and his new ventures.

Let's begin with Richard who has been in the crafting industry for over 15 years now. He is the president of Fun Stampers Journey, a direct sales company. What does he sell? Everything your crafty hearts desire! From stamps to cardstock, inks to dies, embellishments to tools: he has them all. You can check out everything HERE. Besides being president of Fun Stampers Journey, he has designed a line for Spellbinders called Cele'brations, which you can purchase HERE.

So now, what is the Make Amazing Design Team about? Richard has created brand new retail lines
and once you all see the new releases (sneak peaks coming soon, yay!) you will see that Richard has a ton of experience in the business and is an ah-maaaze-lingly talented crafter. In fact, let me show a project I especially like. Look at the yummy frosting (mmmh!) And on his BLOG you will find other incredible creations.
You can check the post HERE.

Thanks for stopping by and being part of my happy journey!! 


Shelly said...

WOOHOO! again on the DT, Isha! :) Can't wait to see the sneak peeks and oooh yes, that frosting is amazing!! Yum!

Virginia L. said...

How awesome is that!!! I am thrilled for you to be on this amazing team! That yummy cup cake had me drooling.... Way to go, Isha!

Handmade Cards by Archana said...

Wow...congrats again ISha!!

~amy~ said...

Congrats again...so happy for you!