Tuesday, January 31, 2012

For Cath (sans CHA) with Love Blog Hop

Hello friends!!! Today I am participating in a special and surprise Blog hop for Cath, who always brings us fantastic inspiration through the Moxie Fab World. We want to wish her a speedy recovery and some smiles.

For some of us like me, who doesn't have access to the latest trends/ supplies in stamping/ Card-making or PC magazines in the market (that's truly a privilege for the friends from US), its a blessing to have Cath fill the void. I remember last CHA was my first one to go to thru Cath's eyes and I enjoyed every single photo/post about it...lol. So here is for you Cath...hope my creation brings you a tiny smile:) You sure are special. Get well soon.

I love those blue Boa around her neck in the photo...so I stamped the feather stamp from Paper smooches on the Duvet ;)
Thanks Lorena and Virginia for the idea and organizing. Hop over to Virginia's blog to see all the lovely cards. It is fun.
I used the sketch from CAS-ual friday for this card. Since I love Moxie fab challenges, I am submitting this card for The cutting and trimming challenge. Oh the peeking hands were bit difficult to cut:)


Virginia L. said...

Your LOVELY card makes me smile SOOOO big, Isha!! Thank you for being part of this hop for Cath! xoxo
PS: please link up your sweet card in my blog! And woohoo! Thanks for playing with us over CAS-ual Fridays, too!

Nadine said...

What a great Get Well card! Love that you stamped the feathers on the duvet for Cath's boa, great attention to detail!

Deirdre said...

Your card is just ADORABLE Isha. Love how you created it - too fun. Made me smile BIG. Thanks for the smile this early in the morning.

Dawn T said...

how cute Isha. I really enjoyed our chat last night. You have done some great cards.

Karin Ã…kesdotter said...

What a perfect Get well soon card - so super cute and sweet and creative - Cath will LOVE it! Hugs, Karin

Anonymous said...

OMG, Isha!! This is probably the cutest card I've seen in a long time! Look at that feathered duvet, and the cozy texture the felt adds!!
Thanks so much for joining the blog hop!

Jaclyn Miller said...

Ha, this made me smile, so I know it will definitely make Cath smile. Clever and creative idea.

cheiron said...

This is SO CLEVER! Love the little blanket how cute-that little guy looks so snuggly.

donna mikasa said...

Simply adorable, Isha! I love it!!

Aimes said...

Now this is one sweet card! I feel so snuggly and warm just looking at it!

JJ Bolton said...

What a cozy little card! So, so cute!

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Editor said...

How cute is that little guy underneath her blankie? What a sweet, sweet card. :)

Thank you so much for going to the time and trouble to work this up on my behalf, Isha. I am so lucky to know so many thoughtful people, and so blessed to have so many moxie fab friends.

All my love,

Ingrid Danvers said...

What a cute card. This one will cheer Cath up for sure.

Tenia Nelson said...

Super cute!!!

Jeanette M. said...

Very cute card, Isha! Love the image and your creativity.

Terri Trotter Earley said...

Serriously, this is so stinking cute.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Tracey McNeely said...

So sweet, it will certainly cheer Cath up.

~amy~ said...

awwww.....super SWEET!

yyam said...

*big smile*
This is super cute! :)

Amy C said...

So darn cute!! Makes me smile. =)

Levana Xu said...

Isha, your card make smile and giggling because I was wondering where did you got this clever ideas. Some quirel that lying on the bad under a warm blanket, woww tha's clever!

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE!!! Love the little blankie and pillow :) Thanks for playing this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

Karen B. said...

Well, this put a smile to my face, especially that you've used a tangible object for the blanket! So very cute!

Nita said...

I *adore* this card. I mean, I really, REALLY LOVE it. This is honestly one of the CUTEST cards I have ever seen. **smiles with glee**

Thanks for the cuteness and the smiles. I'm a new Follower. :)


Vera Yates (Ling) said...

Aw, Isha this is so cute! Totally make me smile. Cute, cute, cute!

Emily Leiphart said...

Eeeek, I cannot get over how cute this is! The leaves on the blanket give it so much dimension. It's so perfect, Isha!!