Saturday, February 1, 2014


Hello Friends!
It's 1st. of the month and that means time for the new challenge at Some Odd Girl blog. This month we challenge you to create something using a little MISTING/MASKING. You can have lots of fun creating!!

My card for today! I misted this subtle glimmer spritz, it's Fireworks sprays by IMAGINE Crafts/ Tsukineko!

Love this cute image from In Stitches Tia! So hop over to the blog and link your creations. We do have wonderful prize for the winner too.


Lindsey said...

This is adorable, Isha! Love the misting, and of course your amazing colouring.

~amy~ said...

soooooo SWEET! I love your coloring Isha!

Dawn T said...

A simply gorgeous card Isha. Love this image. it is just gorgeous.

Monika Reeck said...

you know Isha it is danger to see your Blog..I love all your creation..this is so cuuteee ...I love how you coloring her and sweet heart at her...I mean danger is ..I want to leave you more comment your card Isha...