Thursday, February 27, 2014

Home Decor

This is my 2nd. post for the day! To check my tutorial on blending the Radiant Neon inks pls. click HERE.

Today I am up at the Timeless Twine blog. I made something with my daughter for her room. She def. loves it :) Here is a peek for you.


Unknown said...

Isha- Really.... could you be any more crafty??? Oh my stars!! I love to come to your blog for crafty inspiration!! My daughter will love this craft!! Ikea here we come!! loves-Madge

Lindsey said...

What a great and colourful idea!

Shelly said...

Such a wonderful idea! I think my daughter will enjoy doing/having something like this, too! Thanks for sharing :)

Dawn T said...

very clever Isha

Timeless Twine said...

Totally love it!