Saturday, March 1, 2014

Wat's Up???

Hello Friends!
It's 1st. of the month and that means time for the new challenge at Some Odd Girl blog. This month we challenge you to create something using Gold in any form...spray, doilies, paper.... Love this one as it is so versatile and you can have lots of fun creating!!

My card for today!

Love this cute image from On Safari! So hop over to the blog and link your creations. We do have wonderful prize for the winner too.


Piali said...

Very cute!!!!

~amy~ said...

How darling! I this she's sooo cute!

Deepti said...

Awwww this is adorable !!

alexandra s.m. said...

Absolutely adorable Isha!
Thank You~

Tenia Nelson said...

Super CUTE!!!

Lindsey said...

This is really sweet, Isha.