Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Great Day!

For my Some Odd Girl Digi Release post click HERE!!

So, this is my 2nd. post for the day :) I have been wanting to play along with my friend  Virginia's Challenge for some time but was quite busy past few weeks. Yes! she started the challenge blog :) The theme is watercolor and if you know me, I love colors in any form but playing with water and colors is very close to my heart.
What inspired me was the beautiful Spring day today. I was out the whole day. Went to the garden center with my friend and was looking at my Crocus in bloom:)

Here is my first card:

I really enjoyed creating this card and it looks very nice IRL. I used my Memento inks and markers to create this.
Submitting this card to Paper Issues: Tip Toe Tu-Lips
Do join the challenge, it's fun for sure!
More will be coming soon.


Aileen said...

Beautiful card. Love the scenery, very artistic.

Virginia L. said...

Well, I am SO glad that you find time to play!! And boy , is this very artistic, Isha! I am so impressed with your water-coloring...I think this gorgeous card should be framed! It looks like a page from children book illustration! Thanks so much for playing the first Virginia's View Challenge! xo

Michelle Lupton said...

That is just so beautiful, Isha!

Monika Reeck said...

As I look this I want to say OH MYYYY GOOODDD Ishaaaa your coloring is more and more and more perfect every day and as I see the girl on this card I remember the old serial Film LAURA INGALS...I love that film and I love your card...I wish I get this in my home and like Virginia said I will put in a frame..it is really FUNTASTIC ADORABLE...love love love this Isha...how are you dear...hope all doing well...hugs from me in Germany....

Lindsey said...

Beautiful, Isha!

Sanketi said...

Simply beautiful Isha!

Cindy C. said...

Very sweet painting!!!