Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Hello Everyone, 
Today is my day 3 and the final day as a guest over at CAS-ual Fridays...I am so enjoying sharing my cards using CAS-ual Fridays stamps and dies. Today I have a card for you and you can check my post HERE.

I really enjoyed creating for them. Thank you once again Michele.
Today, I used a patterned paper for the background and then die-cut some florals using watercolor paper. I then colored them using my Zig markers in a rainbow of colors. 
I masked the sentiment to stamp it in 2 colors and this is what I love about clear stamps...we can allign them :) I used Memento Luxe Bahama Blue by Imagine Crafts for the sentiment.

Hope you enjoyed the last few days here on my blog. Do write to me if you have any questions and anything you want to see me create a video of. More later!!


Aileen said...

Its all been awsome Isha. Thanks for sharing

Dawn T said...

so pretty Isha

"glow" said...

wow.. awesome technique.. thanks for your generosity and hospitality:)

Celeste Goff said...

Love how vibrant and pretty the colors are on this card Isha!