Saturday, November 7, 2015

Winnie & Walter Leading Lady Take 1

Hello Everyone!!

After realizing my scheduled post didn't go live, here it is now:

Yay! I'm so super duper excited to share my big news with you all: I'm honored to be the Leading Lady at the Winnie & Walter Blog for the month of November! Thank you Julie and Shay for giving me this awesome opportunity.


I have the chance to work with their newest release, so if you haven't checked it out yet, here's the LINK. So what do I think of this release? I love every item of it! There are so many products which are not only for the holiday season, but versatile for the whole year round.

For this Saturday, I decided to focus on the super trendy watercolor. I am focusing my post on how to use stamps to create watercolor cards. I created some easy cards and some a bit more complex cards but they have a couple of things in common: They all are Christmas cards and I've used almost the same set of stamps but with various techniques to make them all look different.
Here's a picture of one of my cards and peaks of a few more. (Once I started creating, I was so inspired I made three You can check them out HERE.

Here is the peak at my other cards.

Now another fun thing: Julie and Shay have generously given me a 30$ Gift Card for their store. By commenting on all my Leading Lady blog posts every Saturday this month (there will be four posts in total), you will get a chance to win.

See you next week with another theme!


Sue D said...

Wow--beautiful colors on your cards.

Rubeena I. said...

Beautiful colors and cards!!!

Helen Gullett said...

WOW! Isha... these cards are just gorgeous! The colors are beautiful and your watercoloring techniques is fantastic. Thank you so much for the inspirations!

Michele K. Henderson said...

Your cards are just gorgeous, Isha! I love how bright and colorful thay are! It really feels so festive and cheerful!
Take care!

Celeste Goff said...

Bravo Isha! Your cards are gorgeous!!!

Kelly Keegan said...

Beautiful cards! Love the watercoloring!

Kelly Keegan said...

Beautiful cards! Love the watercoloring!

Tej said...

Love the techniques! Nice way to stretch the stamp collection !

Daria G. said...

Wow, amazing news!!!
Love all your colorful project Isha!

Virginia L. said...

Wow, how beautiful are these, Isha! You did the Leading Lady role brilliantly! I love the artistic watercoloring and use of vellum with the dies/stamps!

Aileen said...

Congratulations Isha and of course well deserved. I know you will highlight the new stamps to perfection. Love the card we can see if full, the gold added to the watercolour was a brilliant finishing touch. Off to check out the others, again congratulations.

Pam MacKay said...

What a gorgeous card you coloring is amazing!

pcm said...


cheiron said...

These are just gorgeous! Your watercoloring is amazing.

maryc1254 said...

Beautiful cards. I love the watercolor look.

Claire Broadwater said...

The watercoloring is GORGEOUS! That poinsettia is my favorite! STUNNING! XX

Mayela Lameda-Lyver said...

Your watercoloring technique is absolutely beautiful. Awesome cards.

Rose said...

Love your cards & your watercolouring is beautiful. I'm still waiting for my stamp order to arrive so this is fantastic inspiration. Thank you.

Denise Bryant said...

wow... these are amazing! Gorgeous colors!

MelissaF said...

Gorgeous cards with fabulous watercoloring, love them all!

Vanessa said...

They are all gorgeous, sweet friend!! Love how they turned out!!

mandalj said...

Congratulations on being this month's Leading Lady! Thanks for all the ideas on how to achieve a beautiful watercolour effect!

Jennifer said...

Very pretty cards, I just love watercolor it is my favorite medium. Thanks for sharing! And congrats on being the leading Lady of the month!!

Sarah Elliott said...

Your cards are absolutely gorgeous!!!

McStamper said...

Beautiful cards. Your art is amazing.

Berina RGA said...

Beautiful!! Love the water color look!! Congratulations on being the leading lady.

Anita in France said...

What beautiful cards, Isha ... your bright and vibrant watercolouring is just awesome! Anita :)

Tenia Nelson said...

Gorgeous and congrats!!!

Miriam Prantner said...

Your projects are just beautiful! Amazing coloring/painting, stunning!

ldiggs said...

All of your cards are truly beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

ldiggs said...

All of your cards are truly beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Dawn T said...

congratulations on your Leading Lady spot Isha. Your watercolour card is stunning. I'm off to the visit W&W to see the rest.

Kate said...

Awesome stunning stunning beautiful cards Isha :) Love your water colouring, it show off the stamps so well.
Great job Leading lady!
Kate xx

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

These are incredible! I love everything about all of them that I can't pick one thing to comment on! LOVE it!

New Creations said...

Brilliant watercolor effect Isha! I always love your work! You are a perfect leading lady!

Shelly said...

Absolutely, stunning!!

Linsey R said...

These cards so just amazing and unique!!! Most inspiring!!!

cm said...

Isha, your cards are beyond stunning; vibrant, vivid and delightfully festive! A set of these would be a perfect gift! As always, in awe of your creativity!

TracyM #6773 said...

CONGRATULATIONS on being Leading Lady Isha!!!
DELIGHTFUL cards, your watercolouring is PURE MAGIC!!!
LOVE the colours, LOVE the designs and LOVE how you have finished them off perfectly with the vellum, shimmering gold and white splatters too ... I really need to work on adding accents like these => THANK YOU for sharing your BEAUTIFUL and CREATIVE INSPIRATION :)

Mary Holshouser said...

the cards are beautiful.
I love the one with the boughs hanging over the top of the card.
thanks for sharing.

Shari said...

Absolutely love these cards. That first one is just so unique and beautiful. ♥

MelissaF said...

These watercolored cards are stunning, gorgeous and so festive! Love them all, you are so very talented. Thank you for sharing your tips and techniques as well

Unknown said...

Love the last poinsettia card!

jintyoo7 said...

STUNNING colouring Isha, and I just love the gold edging on the first card - so elegant :-)

Kaylee Brown said...

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