Sunday, November 29, 2015

Winnie & Walter Leading Lady Part 4

Hello everyone! I am back again with the part 4 of my leading lady post. As they say time just flies by when we are having a good time :) It's exactly how I felt while creating for these posts. I want to thank Julie and Shay once again for having me here on the blog.
Today is my last post and even-though I feel sad, I am happy as these awesome products really helped me stretch my creativity. I hope you enjoyed as much as I did creating.

Now to today's post. I had a hard time thinking about the theme as there are still so many ideas floating First I thought about quick and simple CAS cards but then I looked at the AWESOME stencils and decided to keep my theme around them. I tried to do various techniques on each card. Some of the photos are not as great cos we are having very dull weather these days.

Let's start with this first card. As we all know doodling and Zen-tangle is a hot trend at the moment. I used the stencil to create Zen-tangle pattern. Love how wonderful this stencil is. Then I die-cut the big bold Joy word and stacked it using pink cardstock. I applied glossy accent over the word"JOY". I used Imagine Crafts Memento inks for this card.

Card 2 was so much fun to create :) I used ImagineCrafts Fireworks sprays, Copics, Gesso for this card.

Card 3 was the most difficult to photograph as I used the iridescent creative medium and all the fine shimmer was difficult to capture. I used ImagineCrafts Iridescent Creative medium to create the background.

For my last card I used no-line coloring using Copic markers. For the background I used various Memento dye inks and pearl white acrylic paint.

I have more information and photos on Winnie&Walter blog HERE

Now another fun thing: Julie and Shay have generously given me a 30$ Gift Card for their store. By commenting on all my Leading Lady blog posts every Saturday this month (there will be four posts in total), you will get a chance to win. If you missed my first post, you can check it out HERE, my 2nd. post HERE and the 3rd. post HERE. I will draw a winner next Saturday!! Please check then and don't forget to comment on all the 4 Saturdays on my leading lady post to be eligible to win :)

Thank you for dropping by! 


Anita in France said...

What cool and fantastic effects, Isha ... there's so much yummy texture and dimension! They're all fantastic ... my absolute favourite is the silver merry with that iridescent background ... it's a stunner! Thanks for all the inspiration during your Leading Lady spot at W&W this month! Anita :)

MelissaF said...

Love your gorgeous cards! Those stencil backgrounds are stunning, especially the one with the iridescence, perfect for some holiday glam. I've really enjoyed your W&W posts this month, such wonderful ways to stretch my supplies and inspire me as well. Thanks so much.

Miriam Prantner said...

Really love all the great ways you used the stencils today, especially the doodling and the gorgeous shimmery blue. These are all wonderful!

Mary Holshouser said...

The bluebird is so pretty. Love the trees in the background.
the poinsettias are colored so well.
thanks for sharing some great cards.
It's been a wonderful month of designs.

pcm said...

that 3rd card is just simply stunning!

~amy~ said...

Awesome Isha! Really enjoyed seeing how you make W&W products shine.

TracyM #6773 said...

WONDERFUL cards Isha!!!
I have to confess, I haven't used my stencils as much as I should, so I really appreciate ALL the techniques you have shared, feeling EXCITED, especially for adding COOL Zentangles, can't wait to try it!!!

Aileen said...

I have enjoyed each and every post. You have highlighted the stamps and dies to perfection. These last cards as good as they come. Love that poisettia.

Rebecca Ednie said...

I love the one with the trees.

Michele K. Henderson said...

I love this gorgeous group of cards! They are all so pretty and unique! Beautiful designs!
Take care!

Dawn T said...

Fabulous cards Isha. Truly a leading lady.

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

wow these backgrounds are incredible! love them all!

cm said...

Isha, I'm blown away with your stunning creativity with the stencils! Inspired and innovative! My stencils need much more TLC! You've been an outstanding Leading Lady this month, showing us how to use our W&W products to full advantage and beauty! You create magic...

jintyoo7 said...

I am trying ti image the lovely sheen on these cards, the "merry" on in particular Yo u are a super star of techniques Isha - brilliant work :-)

Janet said...

Awesomeness! Especially the iridescent blue background with big merry on it!
~God bless~

Denise Bryant said...

awesome cards... really love the 'merry' die!must add it to my next order!