Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just a Splash!!!

Splash!! oh not at the pool cos its been raining here for days now and have become a bit cold. I was talking about Splash of color!!! Thats the theme at The Play Date Cafe ch.#91
I love their challenges and the Twinery twine, who are sponsoring the challenge this week.
 My card:

 This card is made using 3 layer, which are adhered using 3 D foam. Lovely dimension but difficult to take photo of. For the first layer, I stamped the background using Wplus9 border stamp, then cut the flower using PTI dies. To give that splash of color I used the Twinery's Twine in mandarin. Love the effect. I am also submitting this card at the Botanical Moxie fab challenge.Thanks for dropping by.


Lin said...

Beautiful design, Isha!

Lisa Elton said...

Great card...dontcha just love the beautiful blooms dies from PTI!

Fiona said...

Fabulous stamped background Isha, it's a great frame for that flower :) Neat way to use the twine too! Thanks for playing along at the Play Date Cafe :)

Pöydän kulmalla näpertelijä said...

Wow! I love it! The flower is stunning with the pearl detail and the twine stem and leaves.

Michelle said...

Wow, Isha, that is an AMAZING card! I love it. I especially love the way the twine is the flower stem and leaves. Again. . .WOW!!

Emily Leiphart said...

What a wonderful way to create a stem for your flower! I love that stamped background.

Jinny Newlin said...

So cute! LOVE it! And your background stamping is completely fantastic ;)! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at The Play Date Cafe!

Agata said...

Such a gorgeous card! Love that idea!

Jay Gee said...

Wow, the background stamping is wonderful and I love your use of the twine :)

Karen B. said...

OOh, this is lovely! Great splash of colors and the patterns work so well together!

Annette Allen said...

very pretty... love everything about it...

detektei said...

You created a wonderful way that stem for your flower. I like that stamped background. It is really very much pretty.

Annette Witherspoon ♥ said...

Your cards are always so creative! I love it!

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Editor said...

Hey Isha! Thanks for linking this up to the Fanatical About Botanical challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)