Monday, July 11, 2011

My first Page

I made my very first LO. I actually  never made any LO before. My lovely and sweet friend Agata helped me regarding the photo printing. Thanks Agata.
So finally here is my page about my elder daughter. I had to use the color ORANGE and a 12 inch square in size. I wrote the sentiment by hand as I still have to learn a lot before I can do everything on computer and at the moment time is really scarce.

Now keep it to minimal is what I like the most and that is the challenge at Yvonne's blog. Hope you like it. Thanks for visiting.


yyam said...

What a sweet page Isha! Love the red border and title work around the photo. Really draws the eye there! Love that you've kept it CAS. Definitely an awesome job for a first layout! :)

Thanks for playing along with my guest Lynnda's challenge! :)

~amy~ said...

Lovely work...great layout!

Lynnda said...

WOW Isha... you nailed the minimal!!! This is gorgeous... Love the clean look... thank you so much for playing with me over at Yvonne's ... hugs...xoxo

Lynnda said...

And I am your new follower your cards... as well..Thanks...xx

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

What an awesome page!

Elizabeth Allan said...

GREAT Layout Isha!

alexandra s.m. said...

Your first L.O ever? woohoo!! Terrific Isha you must pursue ;-)
and you have a beautiful handwriting!