Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hambo: Robot

Hello Everyone!!! It's Wednesday and that means time for yet another challenge at Hambo Hoedown Challenge. This time we have a lovely sketch for you to play with.

For my card, I used the Digi "Robot" image and used the sketch below.

Here is my card:

There is something special coming for you to have fun with. On Friday, May 24, Hambo will be having a customer inclusive blog hop. The theme is “THE BATTLE OF THE BANDS” where we will be showcasing Hambo clear, rubber and digi images. Using any Hambo image, create a project that represents and depicts the name of a (professional) band! Maybe it’s your favorite group, or maybe it’s one that you don’t even like! Whatever it is, we want to  see your BAND NAME creations! You do not need to have the Band name on  your card or project, but please put it in your post.
TO SIGN UP, please send an email to with“BLOG HOP” in the title BY MAY 15, then you will receive all the low-down on how to participate! 

Hope to see you at the Hoedown!!!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the bright fun colors you chose - your robot is precious!

Lindsey said...

This robot is so perfectly coloured, Isha -- I love him! What a fun card. It would make a great kid or teen card! ;)