Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy Fall

Hello everyone, today I am up at Imagine Crafts/ Tsukineko blog with a fun fall card. I really like how the IC products and various inks help me create various techniques. I really love this stamp set by Art Impression.
Check out the Imagine Crafts/Tsukineko blog for more information. I colored my image using Spectrum Noir Markers.

I saw this wonderful color combo at  StampNation. It is fun playing along their challenges. Do check it out if you want tons of inspiration, tutorials and lot more all in one place :)

AND now it's time to announce the winner of my giveaway HERE, it's the comment no. 7 Agata. I will send you an email shortly!!


Dawn T said...

A really lovely card. Your background is superb Isha.

Shelly said...

So cute, Isha! Love!