Monday, June 20, 2016

Warm Wishes

Hello and Happy Monday everyone! Today I am sharing a card using the lovely inspiration photo challenge at Waffle Flower Crafts

I love the pretty colors and delicate florals and soft colors. 

Here is my card. I used Warm Wishes and In Every Way stamp sets. 

Challenge ends on the 25th of each month. You can link up your creations and will find all the information along with the prize details HERE.
Now did you know there is a Coffee Lover's Blog Hop going on! My coffee Lover sweet friend Amy Tsuruta organizes these hops and they are just awesome AND so much fun! Do play along :)


LauraJane:) said...

LOVE this one Isha!! The colors are perfect:))

~amy~ said...

Isha, this is sooo sweet! I hope you'll link it up to the Summer Coffee Lovers Blog Hop♥

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Great job on the color challenge...the card is sweet and pretty.

DIANA L. said...

This is really sweet!! I love it.
Thank you for your inspiration!!. Have a blessed day


Ceal said...

So so pretty!

CarlavdM said...

Just lovely!!!
Like the colours you have used on the card.

Kim Heggins said...

Sweet and charming!

Gail said...

Awe a smiling cup - cute and lovely card!

Beverley said...

Such a pretty CAS card, love those colours and your embossing really makes the cup image and sentiment stand out but not overpowering. LOVE. Hugs Bev (Uniko) x

Migdalia said...

This is so pretty!

Becca Yahrling said...

Very pretty & elegant - love gold embossing!

Ann said...

So sweet, love the touch of black you added.

Lisa said...

Love this! Love those soft colors and the floaty flowers... beautiful!

Sylvia said...

Oh how pretty, Isha, love your soft colors! Happy hopping and Enjoy your summer!

New Creations said...

Darn cute Isha, Love the soft look and smiling cup image!

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

Super cute, I love this

Arianna Barbara said...

Wow! Too cute!!!!

Cindy C. said...

What a charming card!!! Love the soft palette!

Michele K. Henderson said...

This is SO pretty! I love the colors and the beautiful embossing! Very pretty card!

Monika Reeck said...

That embossed cup is adorable Isha
I have that stamp too
will try to join
but the color on your card so soft hmm I love that flowers
great layout always my friend
how are you soooo long one year maybe never meet in Blog land I wish I can visiting you continu...
but you know two kids make mama busy haha
happy wednesday night...
and wanna say...happy hopping :)
my card in the gallery are #61, #257 and #491 (with Candy)
see you there maybe :)
Crafty hugs

Karen B. said...

Aww, what an adorably soft card!

Hetty said...

Wonderful and sweet looking card.

Verna Angerhofer said...

Aaaw! So very cute!

Denise Bryant said...

Darling card! Love that coffee cup!

Helen F. said...

So so sweet, Isha!

Tonya said...

Lovely card!

Helen Gullett said...

Cute and sweet card. Love the soft color combo!

StampingbugKerry said...

So soft, pretty and girly. Love the vellum. :)

Atchaya(Akshma) said...
