Tuesday, August 16, 2011

All White...with Colored Image

 For the PDCC color challenge please click Here. I typed wrong URL...Sorry.

Don't I love that...all the white space in literal meaning, that's the card I am sharing with you all, which I made for the challenge at Simon Says.... I got sore throat and bit running nose along with headache...boy do I want to do anything...Of coarse not:)) So I decided to color this image to soothe my pains...lol. Trust me coloring is a soothing therapy.

I used a bit of stickles on the hair band and the belt, tied the floss and made a double bow. To finish I used this tiny sparkle button on the bow and that is the recipe for the challenge at Whiff of Joy Blog. I am happy with the result and actually like it. I sure will be making more of these style.TFL


Dawn T said...

This is just gorgeous Isha. Such a pretty girl, so beautifully coloured.

Hilde Loch said...

What a stunning card again Isha!!!!! love the colored Image!

Elizabeth Allan said...

Wonderful coloring Isha!

Karen B. said...

Ahh, beautiful!

Sudha said...

Elegant cute creation dear.

yyam said...

Such a sweet card Isha! So beautifully colored!

Rest and get well soon! Hugs! :)

Melanie-Jane said...

Wow love your colouring and the white backround looks gret with the ribbon.
I love that motiv, one of my favorites of WOJ.
Wish you a great sunny week end.
Melanie Jane

Emily Leiphart said...

This is a clean and simple stunner, Isha!

Erum Tasneem said...

Beautiful colouring!