Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Inspired by

I realized today that the list of my favorite challenge blogs is on rise...what can I say..love these blogs and the DT creations:) There is so much to learn. I am getting inspired by Vicky week after week but cos of kids holidays couldn't play with my stamps much. I made this card inspired by THIS card by Vicky (she's so so talented-Thanks Vicky) for the challenge at Lily Pad blog. I created the blue background which was quite an task but fun too with the Lawn Fawn Sew lovely set...Since the theme at Lawnscaping blog challenge is distressing and more than 4 colors at Wee Memories...I am submitting it there too.

I colored the dress form using distress inks in antique linen, spun sugar, spiced marmalade and barn door and walnut stain. The blue panel is broken china and faded jeans.
Supplies: Stamps (Lawn Fawn), Ranger distress inks, White embossing powder. Cardstock (PTI)
Thanks for dropping by.


Laurel Beard said...

This is adorable. Love the distressed swirled background! And the color comboe for the dress form is fab!!! :) I am so glad you joined us this week!

Vicky said...

The background is great Isha and I love your coloring on the dress!
Thank you so much for all your sweet comments about me! So happy to inspire others with my cards. Hugs!

Luc and Sonia said...

Love your distressed card, and the color combo is fantastic!!

Karen B. said...

The flamin' orange dress is HOT! Such a pretty card.

Jill said...

Girl! This card ROCKS! Love the vibrant colors! HUGS!

alexandra s.m. said...

Beautiful card Isha and i love your color palette here as well ;-)

Tracey said...

FABULOUS card, inking, and design!!!!

Dawn T said...

What a great card Isha.... love all that distressing. Just perfect

stampingandstitching said...

Oh this is gorgeous, Isha! The bgs are beautiful and I love your wonderful distressing on the dress! Gorgeous bow too!

Nancy K said...

Gorgeous color...I love how you created your own backgrounds using the stamps. Really fabulous card, Isha! Thanks for playing with us at Lily Pad Cards.

yyam said...

Wow! Love how you coloured the dress! Just fabulous! :)

Rachel Izakowicz said...

Gorgeous card - the colors are just beautiful and the distressing is perfect! Thanks for playing at Wee Memories this week!

Virginia L. said...

Congrats on the HM at Lawanscaping, Isha!! BEAUTIFUL job you did!

Lin said...

LOVE this, Isha! So glad that you came to play with us at Lily Pad Cards!